About us

«Zintours.com» is online booking system in Israel.

The lowest prices for booking in Israel

Due to the direct cooperation with hotels, we can offer our customers the best prices. We have got large experience in the tourism, and we serve thousands of tourists every year.

The largest database of hotels

Our database contains only the most actual and relevant information. All information is brought to you in a simple and laconic way to focus your attention on the main function of the system – to provide convenient, economical and efficient way of planning your trip.

More than 20 years of experience

Our professionals have more than 20 years of experience in providing travel services in Israel. Established regular channels of cooperation with most of the hotels. Therefore, we have the most opportunities for booking rooms and the lowest prices.

High security

To conduct a transaction, we use SSL-protocol to encrypt data. We do not store your credit card details. After we withdraw money from your card all information will be deleted from our database.